Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Winning Principle

Praise ©Antonia Ruppert
Watercolor on Paper
I decided to post some good news along with some principles that have helped me win. I want to inspire you to continue to win too. I belong to an art group on Facebook. We artists want to be the best at what we do and have posted good news for the group to see. It has been inspiring to read what artists are doing all over the world. I decided to post my good news for you. Allow me to inspire you.

I am most grateful to share that in January I...

--- unveiled 3 new paintings

--- learned new digital imaging techniques
--- developed new painting project for a state grant

--- started dancing and reading scripture to jumpstart my day

--- started piano lessons(something I’ve wanted since I was 11)

I will now share my winning principle. I have found that this truth has helped me again and again.

Principle #1 - Be open to God. Be open to opportunity.
The unveiling of 3 new paintings happened because last spring Allen Jongsma and Pastor Dave of Living Springs Community Church contacted me and subsequently met with me to discuss their ideas for new artwork. This was my biggest endeavor at that time and boy was I nervous. But I felt good vibes after several meetings and wholeheartedly embraced the work. This all happened because I was open to where God was leading and open to the opportunity.

So now it is your turn. What positive principles have you learned so far this year? Do you have any good news to share?


kat said...

lovely post Antonia!

one of the my principles for winning in life is gratitude. i tell my daughters all the time, the more grateful you are the more you have to be grateful for! And Alyson Stanfields blast off class helped me to make a commitment to writing out 5 gratitudes a day, which i faithfully do. i believe it makes a huge difference in my attitude.

Melanie Jongsma said...

Hi Toni,

Thanks for starting this conversation! (Thanks, too, for your kind reference to me!) A principle of success that I would add is this: Enjoy the journey. Sometimes we drive ourselves crazy trying to reach a certain goal, only to be disappointed when we finally achieve it. By focusing on the pleasures and learnings along the way, we can make the whole experience a success!

Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing so generously with others.

Sharon Wall said...

It sounds like things are really coming around for you! To think, a few years ago none of this existed. I am really happy to see your success! You deserve it.

Unknown said...

Thanks for leaving your comments!

@Kat - you have a great life principle - I agree that Alyson Stanfield's Blast Off Class was very helpful.

@Melanie - when I read your comment, I had to think, "How can I purposefully enjoy this journey? This week, I painted what was in my heart(good and not so good). I enjoyed every bit of it. Thanks for the reminder.

@Sharon - Thank you my friend. Scripture says that "all hard work brings a profit." Hannibal said, "We will either find a way, or make one.

Nancy Standlee said...

Wonderful blog and paintings, Toni.

Unknown said...

Thank you Nancy for stopping by and leaving a comment.

Nancy Standlee said...

Just watched the video and the paintings are wonderful and sounds like a great place for them to be in. I see that you like Carol Nelson's blog. I got to take a 2 day workshop from her recently.

Unknown said...

Thanks Nancy! I so appreciate your observations. I am so glad these paintings landed in a good home. You must have gotten a lot from Carol Nelson. She is bold and courageous.