Friday, July 19, 2013

The Way to See and Transcend...

"Over 40"  Acrylic/Permanent Marker on Panel  12x12 ©Toni Ruppert
Do you struggle with seeing clearly?  No one talks about the mechanics of seeing either physically or mentally, just how it feels.

If seeing your way clear is easy for you, no need to keep reading.  If you answered Yes, read on to  pick up a tip to overcome this struggle.

One day this week, I got so frustrated about a situation.  I literally could not even picture a solution.  At some point, I looked out of my living room window at the blue sky.  Since I have been in love with clouds lately, I have been looking outside often.  At that point, though, I noticed something more.

My window was reeeeeeally dirty - it was gross.

I grabbed the window cleaner and attacked the grime and dirt.  Round and round and side to side I went.  Is there a science to window cleaning?  There probably is  - but I was delighted by the basic job after it was done.  I felt an exuberance and clarity.
Photo ©Toni Ruppert
 Even today as I type this, I smile as I look out and behold everything.

I had a revealing conversation later with Colleen Klimczak with Peace of Mind Professional Organizing.  She said that cleaning my window was an analogy for making way for the new - new ideas, new resources, etc.  She pointed out the physical and spiritual connection between cleaning, organizing and moving beyond situations. 

Transcendence.  To exist or experience beyond the normal or physical level.  That is what we want everyday, right? 

Do you have any similar victories to share? How have you transcended lately?

Reflections: 3 Artists Look at Life is an art show about seeing life differently.  I am showing work with artists Sharon Burrink and Jean Lewis.  Our opening is Friday, August 2nd at the Vogt Visual Art Center in Tinley Park, IL and the work will be on display for the month of August.

Cleaning this week has helped me see.  Hopefully, it comes out in my work.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Whoaaaa - I Could FEEL Him

©Toni Ruppert "Bones"
Have you ever been pleasantly surprised by an experience? 

I intentionally let my curiosity lead me where I usually don’t go...and was utterly amazed.  

First, I asked two people at my brother in-laws 50th birthday party to let me draw them.  I was attracted to something visual about them.  Though one of my sitters I’ve seen at almost all of my brother in-laws parties, there was something beautiful about him and the other sitter today.

Yet, I know that there are barriers--cultural, gender, and etc. that keep walls firmly up between them and me.  Outside of my brother and sister in-laws house or at a family funeral, we would probably never cross paths.

But anyway, just for kicks, I asked Bob--a guy they called “Bones” if I could draw him.   His look was THAT GUY.  Biker, beard, beer and all of the stereotypes that go with that for me.

Bones sat for me quietly - for a long while.  Today I SAW him beautiful.

Another guy at the party - Derick - said he’d sit for me.  He told me he was a musician. He loves the blues, Led Zeppelin and writes songs for his band.  I paused and thought “What?” His father is also a musician...and his sister.  I’ve seen these folks for as long as I’ve seen my sister in-laws family.  We talked about real music and being authentic with people...we went deep. Whew!

©Toni Ruppert "Derick"

Later - maybe because my mind was open--my sister in-law’s friend Sue told me her husband’s son was also a musical genius.  Later, I had a chance to hear his music.  I had followed Sue’s husband out to their car. I overheard him tell Derick about going out there to listen to music.

I heard good music.  Amazing layers of vivid, colorful lyrics and real instruments.  I kept looking away ‘cause I could not believe this moment was happening. This guy was good.  He even included a harp on one track. Whoaaaa - I could FEEL him.

Have experiences like these always been available?
Why are we given these creative gifts?
Who is this talent for?
What does a genius like Davey do with his gifts?
If artists don’t show stuff...sell stuff...change stuff - is it good?
Is it OK if it just touches 1 person?
What if its all just to stay sane?

Like I said, I was blown away today. Today...was real. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Reflections Show Opening Reception, Friday, August 2nd

I am looking forward to showing my art with artists Sharon Burrink and Jean Lewis!


August 2 - August 30th


©Toni Ruppert - "Head in the Clouds" - 9x12 - Acrylic on Panel

Vogt Visual Arts Center

17420 S. 67th Court

Tinley Park, Illinois 60477


The evening also includes a jazz concert outside in the gazebo. (Be sure to bring a chair for the concert). Light refreshments will be served and admission is free.

As I type this, my daughter Imani is playing in my hair - she wants the computer.  So I will make this brief.  I am showing art with Sharon Burrink and Jean Lewis--two amazing artists.  Sharon creates these awesome images using photo collages.  You will find victorious images about freedom, contemplation and celebration.  Jean Lewis on the otherhand, is a virtuoso with the drawing mediums of pastel and graphite.  She brings an attention to the figure and to still life that is rarely seen. 

If I can get the computer back--I will share more soon.